Description of the goods or services required
The TRUE (Trust in User-generated Evidence) project, a UKRI-funded project at Swansea University, seeks to explore the impact of deepfakes on trust in user-generated evidence in accountability processes for human rights violations.
The TRUE project research team has adopted a unique interdisciplinary methodology, part of which is the use of mock jury studies. Hence the research team wish to tender for a recruitment company to supply mock jurors as below:
The jury studies will take place at the University’s Singleton campus (SA2 8PP) on 2 weekends (Saturday and Sundays) across 4 months as from mid June 2024, so 4 groups for 1 weekend in June (Saturday 22nd & Sunday 23rd June 2024) and 4 groups for 1 weekend in early September (Saturday 7th & Sunday 8th September 2024).
Please note that every effort has been made to avoid clashes with any externally organised event which could impact access and/or facilities to the University. However, the University reserves the right to negotiate replacement dates to those detailed above, with the Contractor, should they need to be altered due to circumstances outside its control.
To ensure a representative sample, we require a specialist company to provide a representative sample of 100 jurors in total, made up of 8 juries of 12 people, plus a reserve for each day, which is representative of the full range of age, gender, ethnicities and education levels that might be found in a real jury, i.e. persons aged 18-76, resident in the UK for at least five years since attaining the age of 13, registered to vote in parliamentary or local government elections, and not ineligible for jury duty for any reason.
The 12 jurors plus reserve will be required to attend for each slot (one morning and one afternoon) with a daily commitment of approximately 6 hours, including a half hour lunch break (lunch will be provided). The reserve in each group can leave at lunchtime if not needed (i.e. 12.00 hours) but must be available on call to be called back if needed at 14.30 hours. The reserves will therefore be paid the same daily rate as the jury members who take part in deliberations.
NOTE: The authority is using eTenderwales to carry out this procurement process. To obtain further information record your interest on Sell2Wales at