Description of the goods or services required
It is the expectation of the chosen consultant to carry out a feasibility study to retrofit suitable Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS) in Neath and as a result of the study, to design
SuDS features which will incorporate vascular plants, trees and shrubs.
We are looking to pilot these SuDS schemes on 3 streets located in the town of Neath with a view to dealing with excess rain water run offs as well as helping reduce the impact of air pollution in the centre of the town. This ‘pilot’ design could potentially inform future retrofitted highway SuDS within Neath Port Talbot County Borough and should therefore be easily replicable.
The contractor will be required to complete the works following the elements described below:
Working closely with the Green Infrastructure and Biodiversity team, the contractor will
1. Carry out a feasibility study and formulate a detailed design for 3 streets in Neath.
This will include the redesigning of the entire street. Exact locations to be agreed with council staff during inception meeting. Please note that the targeted ‘pilot’ streets include traditional Victorian terrace houses (for example: Gnoll Drive, Neath SA11
3TH) and this needs to be considered as part of the design.
2. Provide a detailed design for the retrofitting of surface located SuDS features based on bio retention “rain gardens” within the highway using suitable load bearing mediums
3. Include the maximum possible surface SuDS features for each street dependent on utilities and other constraints.
4. Design SuDS features to include soft landscaping where appropriate; namely the use of vascular plants where appropriate as well as many trees and shrubs as feasible within each street
5. Incorporate a design to take into consideration highway SuDS build outs for traffic calming measures as well as taking into consideration provision for resident parking.
This will include the use of load bearing soil mediums in order to maximise soil volume within the highway.
6. Ensure the designs include as many permeable surfaces as possible
7. Include photo realistic CGI of proposed SuDS interventions within project street scape.
Knowledge and experience in the field of delivery of Green Infrastructure and SuDS are essential.
Once the contract is awarded, a site visit can be arranged with the Green Infrastructure team.
The contractor will be expected to provide:
- A report on the feasibility study to retrofit SuDS within the agreed locations along with,
- Detailed technical drawings of the proposed SuDS for the 3 selected streets based on the project brief outlined above
Completion of the works anticipated to take place before or on 28th April 2023
Quotes, to be received no later than 14:00 on 17/02/23 to:
NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at