Total quantity or scope of tender
We are looking to contract with a supplier with suitable knowledge and experience of assessment through the medium of Welsh to gather examples of effective practice and use these to develop a supportive guidance document that will support recognised awarding bodies in Wales to develop systems and processes to effectively deal with assessed work completed in Welsh in circumstances where the qualification is not currently offered bilingually.
This work will take place between September 2023 and January 2024 and involves:
-Submitting a plan for completion of this project;
-Conducting research into schools, colleges, higher education institutions (HEIs) and other subject experts and relevant organisations that already effectively deal with assessed work completed in in Welsh. This includes those organisations that are subject to Welsh Language Standards;
-Engaging with other stakeholders, including the Welsh Language Commissioner and Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol;
-Submitting a report that outlines examples of effective practice collected, and resources that support awarding bodies in this area;
-Engaging with a sample of awarding bodies to ensure that the guidance meets their needs;
-Producing bilingual guidance that meets agreed quality thresholds and is submitted by the agreed timescales; and
-Engaging with us throughout the process to:
-discuss case studies and approaches to identifying them;
-review drafts of resources, good practices and case studies; and
-complete the project on time and within budget.